Cuba: the Truth, the Lies, and the Coverups
Based on a True Spy Story
At the young age of twelve, the author, Dr. Julio Antonio del Marmol, found that his destiny took him through extraordinary circumstances that happens only a few times in history during widespread social chaos, like that seen in the deranged turmoil of the Cuban revolution in 1959. The supreme leader, Fidel Castro, nominated this young boy to be the Commander-in-Chief of the new army for the future. As Fidel Castro went through his own changes of heart at that start of this tumultuous time, the youth went through his own conflict as he watched his childhood friends abandon the island, discontented with what looked more like a complete disruption of democratic establishment and institution of Marxist ideology by the new leaders. Julio Antonio del Marmol, the Young Commander sadly saw himself remain behind and observed daily the freedom of the Cuban people evaporate as promise after promise was broken. In spite of their previous promises for equality for everyone without any distinction based on political or religious belief, the Castro brothers and Che Guevara ruthlessly hunted down and exterminated all opposition. His admiration towards the leaders turned into disappointment and frustration, watching as the Castros’ forces execute and commit horrendous crimes worse than humanity had ever seen in their ambition to maintain their power.
He comes to the conclusion that this is not what the Cuban people fought their revolution for and decides before sharing these horrible experiences to anyone, including his father, to abandon the country as his friends had done. When he does share these intentions with his uncle, he receives the most shocking surprise that his relative is an old veteran master spy. He proposes to Julio Antonio to train him to be the next in line, and Julio Antonio del Marmol becomes the youngest spy in modern history at the age of thirteen. In this story, the reader will find seemingly unbelievable and undoubtedly controversial details about the blueprints to create communist revolutions, spread corruption, and commit assassinations so outrageous that nobody ever could create this as a fiction. We are transported back to 1960, where newly-minted master spy Julio Antonio del Marmol begins by stealing the briefcase of Che Guevara from inside the provincial military headquarters of the Rebel Army in Pinar del Rio. This action propels him into a new, more dangerous sphere of operation as a spy, as he works his way into the inner circles of the most paranoid mind of the leaders of the Cuban revolution, Che Guevara—who seeks to groom the young man as his own protege as a KGB agent!
The author tells the story not merely as a narrator; he was an active participant in these events as part of his first steps in his life as a thirteen year old spy, as he tried to retrieve what he felt to be important documents for his friends in his intelligence network. The reader will draw their own conclusions and put the facts together. He perceived the relevance and import of what he had obtained. Only when the author’s friends reviewed the data did he realize the sheer magnitude of what he had accomplished as he exposed in this one act what really lies behind Cuba: the truth, the lies, and the coverups.