True stories from the world of international espionage
Tuesday April 23rd 2024
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The Annoying Zeroes

enterprisesThere are those annoying ones who enjoy pushing our buttons and make everyone angry while they look for a reason to fight with you, but they never do anything good for anyone.  They are always ready to argue about anything on any topic without a positive solution for anything they argue for.  In order to not downgrade ourselves by using derogatory language, I have decided for myself to call them, simply and concisely, zeroes in our lives.  Like wasps in our eyes in our journey through life, you cannot avoid them buzzing around in your face, telling you what they are worth, which is really nothing.  During our daily struggles, always here and there you will find one or more of these zeroes, no matter what or where you go in life to the right or the left.  That is the reason you should not lose your class or lower yourself to their level.  Always remember that you are dealing with a zero, and simply don’t call them a nasty word.  What else can you expect?  You’re really dealing with a royal asshole, after all; but let’s still call them a zero in benefit to ourselves, and you don’t lose your class after all.