The Cuban Lightning: The Zipper is the true story of a spy asked by the intelligence services to secretly print U.S. currency to finance covert operations all over the world.
A young man grew up in Cuba, escaped the Castro regime to the United States, became a spy and a freedom fighter, worked with intelligence services all around the world, and finally became part of the largest covert money printing operation in history. This operation, codenamed “The Zipper“, was created to finance counter terrorism and covert operations all over the world. The young man, now grown, is Dr. Julio Antonio del Marmol, and it was his task to supervise the team that created millions and millions of dollars of U.S. currency for these operations.
The update to his previous book, Cuba: Russian Roulette of America has been completed and published as Cuba: Russian Roulette of the World. The update now includes more details of Dr. D’Marmol’s amazing time in Cuba with Che Guevara and Fidel, and also his amazing escape through minefields, swamps, and even shark-infested waters. Never before have the details of his spy and freedom fighting operations been told; they are now revealed in this new book.
More books are coming about Dr. del Marmol’s exploits.
In addition, Dr. D’Marmol was asked by the prestigious Lambert academic publishing company if his book could be reprinted as a textbook for political science, historical and social studies courses. He agreed, and the book was published and is part of the curriculum for colleges around the world.